What is Suit of Restitution of Conjugal Rights?
Nikahnama signed between husband and wife is a legal contract through which rights and obligations are conferred upon each other
Under Guardian and Ward Act, 1890, it is mandatory to apply for guardian certificate for minor child or his property. There are several instances where Guardian Certificate is mandatory under the law. Normally where wife is divorced and separated, she cannot apply for passport of minor or travel with minor outside Pakistan without issuance of Guardian Certificate. Similarly, where minor has property in his name, same can only be administered or transferred after attaining the Guardian Certificate from the Court.
Guardian Courts are established under the Guardian and Ward Act, 1890. To apply for guardian certificate it is mandatory to file application in prescribed manner with Guardian Court. Guardian Certificate becomes a dire need where spate or divorce is effected between husband and wife. Expert family lawyers at Khadija Law Associates can help you get the Guardian Certificate from the Court in no time.
Any person who wants to obtain Guardian Certificate for minor is required to engage a expert profession family lawyer who examines the facts of your case before drafting the Guardian Petition in prescribed manner and format. Guardian Petition is then filed in the competent Guardian Court within jurisdiction of which the minor presently or permanently resides. Guardian Court notice otherside and after examining the evidence of parties, decide the Guardian Petition in best interest and welfare of the minor. Guardian Certificate is not issued as a matter of right but after considering best welfare and interest of the welfare.
Documents required for filing of claim for Guardian Certificate are following amongst others:
Our expert team of lawyers at Khadija Law Associates have great deal of experience in obtaining Guardian Certificate in no time due to out vast experience in Guardian Certificate related matters. Call us now to discuss your requirement and we will handle the rest.
Nikahnama signed between husband and wife is a legal contract through which rights and obligations are conferred upon each other
It is a general misconception in our society that child custody of minor son can be retained by mother till age of 7 years only, in case of separate or divorce with husband and after that minor son is handed over in custody of father.
Muslim Husband under Islamic laws can have four marriages at one time. Contracting second marriage during subsistence of first marriage is commonly known as “Polygamy”.
If you are applying a spouse visa, immigration visa or any other category of visa for your wife and the concerned embassy has required you to bring Court Orders to verifying marriage.